Do You Have
- Cough
- Difficulty in breathing
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness
Acute Bronchitis
- Cough with clear mucus or greenish/ yellowish mucus
- Wheezing
- Low fever
- Chest tightness or pain
- In severe cases – shortness of breath
- Exertional dyspnoea
- Productive & chronic cough
- Chest tightness
- wheezing
Chronic Bronchitis
- Productive cough more than 2 months – smoker cough
- Wheeze
- Chest tightness
- Recurrent attack of chest infection
- Productive cough with large amount of sputum
- Difficulty in breathing and wheezing
- Loss of appetite
- lethargic
Interstitial Lung Disease
- Dry cough (can be chronic dry, hacking coughing).
- Shortness of breath, especially during or after physical activity.
- Weight loss.
- Coughing that lasts three or more weeks
- Coughing up blood
- Chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing
- Unintentional weight loss
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Chills
- Loss of appetite
Sleep disorders
- Restless sleep
- Awakening with choking, gasping, or smothering
- Morning headaches, dry mouth, or sore throat
- Waking frequently to urinate
- Low energy, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment