Medical Services


To assess patient with acute and chronic lung condition and sleep disorders.
Treatment recommendation including both short and long term plan for management of respiratory condition.


Pulmonary Function Test

Spirometry is a method of assessing lung function by measuring the volume of air that the patient can expel from lungs after a maximal inspiration.

Spirometry has many other applications in assessing and managing respiratory disease. These include measuring the presence and severity of restrictive lung defects, screening of the workforce in hazardous occupational environments, pre-employment screening for certain occupations, and assessing fitness to dive. Some believe it may be useful as a motivating tool to help smokers to quit


Laboratory & Allergy Testing

  • Routine blood test and allergic tests such total IgE and Specific IgE test
  • Sputum culture & throat swab
  • Tuberculosis investigations

Sleep Studies

The sleep studies are not painful. But patients will have many electrodes pasted or taped to various parts of their body which may feel awkward and may cause some discomfort when trying to fall asleep. However most patients are able to sleep comfortably during the testing